Hebron Welsh Night

Welsh Night audio available

We were pleased to welcome Adrian Brake from Carmarthen Evangelical Church to our annual Welsh Night on Thursday 7th March. He spoke to us about the life of John Pugh (1846-1907), a courageous minister who was involved in planting many churches in industrial South Wales, many of which still have large congregations today.

In 1872, he held a meeting under the Town Clock in Tredegar. He began his sermon with the words, “Boys, they tell me that you are an awful set here, and that you were in the habit of throwing rotten eggs and mud at a dear old minister who used to stand up here and tell you of Jesus and his love. I am not afraid of anyone in this crowd…” After nine years in Tredegar, his church congregation had grown from 16 to more than 400 members.

An audio recording of this talk is available to listen to or download here:


Jeremai Smith

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