Returning to Hebron

Returning to Hebron after lockdown

As we begin to re-open after the lockdown, we invite you to join us in person on Sunday mornings at 10am, beginning this Sunday, 26th July, for our main service.

Services will be a little different…

Congregational singing is not permitted. Recordings of hymns may be played, but you will need to refrain from singing along!

There will be no offering during the service. Giving by bank transfer is encouraged, but if this is not possible, a collection box will be available at the close of each service.


As we are able to maintain social distancing of two metres within the building, we are NOT required to collect contact details for Track and Trace.

However, if you are planning to attend a service, it would help us if you registered in advance by 8pm Saturday by following the link below. This helps us to plan seating arrangements and prioritise the ground floor for those who need it.

As always – all are welcome!

Should I return to Church?

If you are displaying symptoms of coronavirus, the answer is no. Symptoms include:

  • A high temperature
  • A new continuous cough
  • A loss or change to your sense of smell or taste

In addition, those who are clinically vulnerable or over 70 (or with certain medical conditions and are shielding) are encouraged to consider if it is appropriate for them to attend. Government advice for these groups is to stay at home as much as possible until the 16th August.

Services can be watched on our YouTube channel shortly after they finish or listened to here on the web site. Follow the links below:


Everyone attending will be asked to observe good hygiene standards.

 Stewards will ask all attendees to sanitize their hands on entry. Hand sanitizer will be available at the front door.

Toilet facilities will be available, although it is preferable to use private facilities at home before and after the service if possible (services will be shorter than usual).

Food and drink will not be served or made available. Food should not be consumed in the Church unless it is required for health reasons. In such cases, please take away any rubbish, containers or leftovers.

Church bibles and hymn books will not be available for use. There will be no singing, but please bring your own Bible with you from home.

If you display symptoms of Coronavirus, you may be asked to leave.


Two metre social distancing will be observed in the seating arrangements. Downstairs seating has been arranged so as to maintain a two metre distance between groups of seats. A single household group should sit together, but must be separated from all other household groups. Following this arrangement, downstairs will accommodate approximately 25 people. Therefore, if you are younger, please sit upstairs following the same rules.

A one-way system will be used so that arrivals enter the main door and proceed into the main chapel via the door on their left. Departures will be made via the door on the right. This one-way system will reduce the risk of people coming into close proximity.

To avoid a bottle-neck at the front door at the end of the service, people will be asked to leave one row at a time, starting with the rows nearest the exit.

For updates on service times please check our services page regularly.

Jeremai Smith

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