Hebron 175th anniversary

This year it is the 175th anniversary of Hebron. Just a few years ago we had assumed that we would be celebrating the event in the traditional way, with several services, preachers and speakers, and with the provision of plentiful refreshments and the opportunity for members, friends and visitors to spend time in fellowship, just as we had done on our 150th anniversary.

However, with the arrival of Covid-19 and its consequent restrictions, it seemed for some time that we might not be able to celebrate it at all by meeting in the building. We therefore delayed any decision for a considerable time, and whilst we are now able to meet in the building, our celebration will be greatly reduced in scale and form.

There will be one meeting only, at 7:30 pm on Friday 15th October, God willing, when Rev Philip Swann of Llanelli will preach, and where an outline of the church’s history will be given.

We had intended to ask for oral contributions from those who have formerly been at the heart of Hebron’s life over the past several decades, but given the present constrained circumstances – general and personal – we have very reluctantly concluded that this would be unwise. However, it would still be a great delight to us if as many as possible of these latter are able to join us on the 15th, as well as others who have ministered the Word of God to us, those who have shared in our church worship and life, and also any others who would like to attend.

As things stand at present, face coverings will be required for those who are not exempt, and we will sing in accompaniment to recordings made before the pandemic. We intend that the service will be broadcast live on our YouTube channel, and therefore be available there for viewing in the future.

So please accept our warm invitation to join with us as we give thanks to God for keeping Hebron continuously as a Christ-centred church over this enormous span of time. To God alone be the glory!

Jeremai Smith

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