Everyone suffers anxiety of some kind at some point. Paul says we need to bring everything to God in prayer. We come to Him with thanksgiving, not for the situation,…
These were difficult times; the annihilation of the people of God had been decreed. It is legitimate to weep and mourn in times of distress, but we do not sorrow…
We enjoy conversation and laughter but there is a right sobriety about the Christian life. The people of God in all ages are a suffering people. They would suffer under…
Do we find the best night's sleep in a king's palace or a den of lions? Daniel's fate seems sealed but the king is sleepless because he knows Daniel is…
Jesus had warned the disciples they would be persecuted. Despite the horror of God impending crucifixion, His concern is for His disciples. He knows our circumstances and trials and doesn't…
In a room with angry Nebuchadnezzar, one might want to jump out of the window! He is about to kill the wise men including Daniel and his friends. The same…
The branch that does bear fruit will be pruned. The Father prunes by His providence. The knife may hurt but it is in order to maximise fruit and prepare us…
This world fails to bring about peace. Jesus offers peace and comfort even in troubles. The source of this peace is His death and resurrection. He died as our substitute…
Here is a senseless mutiny by an ungodly coalition set against God but God uses wicked men to accomplish His purposes, as with the death of Jesus. It is senseless…
The people blame David for the Amalekites' burning of Ziklag and taking the people captive, and they want to stone him. We see God's persevering grace as He is in…