The church in Sardis was living on a past reputation of being alive but the reality was that they were dead. Their works and service for Christ were empty. The…
The seven letters to the churches of Asia are in effect one letter for all the churches including churches today. The church at Ephesus is praised for working hard. It…
Jesus said not to fear those who kill the body. Throughout history, Christians have had to take these words seriously when faced with persecution. Paul tells Timothy that all who…
Greetings are sent from eight individuals, showing that Paul was not alone in the work of the gospel. If we try to do everything ourselves we will wear ourselves out.…
Having greeted this lovely congregation, Paul warns them to watch out for those who cause divisions. This shadow hangs over every church. Anyone teaching contrary to fundamental doctrine should be…
Here is a command to visibly communicate our inward love in the church, and an encouragement to work hard, whatever our gifts. Rufus is described as chosen in the Lord,…
Jesus tells the disciples they will do greater works than Him! Certainly the Apostles performed miracles but Jesus refers to "whoever believes". He was going to the Father and would…
Paul is convinced the Christians at Rome are kind and knowledgeable, based on their reputation. Could this be said of our churches? There can be tensions over points of doctrine…
There is a horizontal dimension to worship as we consider each other. We need to keep in mind what is acceptable to God, but also what will edify and build…
A divided church may not survive. Paul's prayer is for unity. The strong have an obligation to bear with the weak, not to grin and bear it, but to serve…