Joab puts the peace of Israel in jeopardy by murdering Abner because of his need for revenge. David is a type of Christ and pursues peace. We need to leave…
It was a dark diagnosis for Judah. The result of sin is misery, and Jeremiah mourns. However, there is a promising prescription. Gilead was nearby to them, so why were…
Sunday Morning service for 2023/07/09 Genesis 3 Preached by Rick MacDonald
Bold like a lion, Peter says he will lay down his life for Jesus, yet fails when questioned by a servant girl. We don't know how we may fall when…
Jesus feels Judas' betrayal deeply. He retains His humanity and feels our pain. He warned the disciples this betrayal would happen so that their faith would not be shaken. We…
In the older brother, Jesus is showing the Pharisees what they are like. Maybe they were waiting for the prodigal to get his comeuppance but Jesus shows that no matter…
Jesus says we should be on the edge of our seats and will go on to tell three parables because of the scribes and Pharisees murmuring over His receiving tax…
We see here how terrible it is to be a slave of sin, as Saul hasn't changed. He is not only physically asleep when David enters the camp, but spiritually…
There's no indication David knows anything about this unnamed servant who intervenes. The Lord may have kept us from temptation and sin in ways we know nothing about. David is…
The emphasis on Jesus' blood in Christianity may seem strange but we need to understand it in the context of sin which is indelible and puts us in debt to…