Jesus tells the disciples they will do greater works than Him! Certainly the Apostles performed miracles but Jesus refers to "whoever believes". He was going to the Father and would…
Paul intends to stay at Rome but only to be helped on his way to Spain since his calling was to preach in places where the gospel had never been…
Paul is convinced the Christians at Rome are kind and knowledgeable, based on their reputation. Could this be said of our churches? There can be tensions over points of doctrine…
These are Paul's last words to Timothy as He was being poured out like a drink offering. The church needs more of this willingness to pour out our lives in…
Jesus' upper room discourse begins here, after Judas' departure. They are precious words for His people. Now He is glorified as the cross is why He came, and God is…
Jesus' washing the disciples' feet was to be their example for lowly service in every day life. We are to do what He has done for us. He even washed…
Samuel died only when he completed the work God had given him to do. We are saved to serve, and God has planned things for us to do. We might…
It's good to rest physically but it can become spiritual laziness. This chapter is about relationships within the body of the church; if we are slothful in the Christian life…
The gifts described here may seem lowly and ordinary but are no less important, and not to be despised. If we are able to serve, we should serve. The growing…
Paul doesn't say he's only addressing those who have gifts, but every Christian has gifts, although they are not all the same gifts. Whatever gift we have, the Lord gave…