Jesus prays that in the same way He had been set apart to be the saviour of the world, so the disciples would be set apart, committed to the work…
Because Jesus had given the disciples the Father's word, they are transformed people. The world hates them because the fact they are different upsets people's consciences. Jesus does not pray…
David's being established as king brings about the transformation of Jerusalem in the building of his palace, using the finest materials. Christ is perfecting His church and making us beautiful.…
These were difficult times; the annihilation of the people of God had been decreed. It is legitimate to weep and mourn in times of distress, but we do not sorrow…
Christ is the truth, and sometimes the truth hurts. The works of the church at Laodicea repulse Him because they are lukewarm. Wealth blinds them to their spiritual condition. Yet…
Daniel has not returned with the others to rebuild Jerusalem, perhaps because of his age, but he is praying for the work. Prayer is the vital work of the church.…
Greetings are sent from eight individuals, showing that Paul was not alone in the work of the gospel. If we try to do everything ourselves we will wear ourselves out.…
Paul greets Epaenetus, the firstfruits of conversions in Asia. Do we pray for conversions? Mary worked hard. Does what we do please the Lord? Andronicus and Junia were fellow prisoners…
Paul sends greetings to Aquila and Prisca. Fellow tentmakers, they were of assistance to him in Corinth, allowing him to preach the gospel. God puts us in places where we…
Paul tells the Romans to be excited about a visitor, Phoebe. Christians should be excited getting to know other Christians. Phoebe was remembered for helping and supporting Paul and others.…