Bible Text: 2 Corinthians 13:5 | Preacher: Philip Cushen | Some doubted Paul was an apostle but he turns it around and demands proof that they are true Christians. This…
Bible Text: Mark 9:14-29 | Preacher: James Allan | Series: Mark | We see Jesus' compassion in His willingness to help this boy. He is interested in us and the…
Bible Text: Isaiah 11:1 | Preacher: James Allan | Series: The Book of Immanuel | We want things to get back to normal, but is life as it was before…
Bible Text: Philippians 3:12-14 | Preacher: James Allan | Series: Philippians | Paul presents two contrasting pictures. The Christian can rest in Christ and know peace with God. However, these…
Bible Text: Philippians 3:1-9 | Preacher: James Allan | Series: Philippians | Paul is concerned that someone or something might snatch the Philippians' joy away. He had lots of reasons…
Bible Text: Philippians 2:12-13 | Preacher: James Allan | Series: Philippians | This epistle has a theme of joy and peace, but here we are told to do something in…
Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 2 | Preacher: David Jones | If mankind is fundamentally good, how is the atrocity and carnage of history explained? Paul says in Romans 3 that…
Bible Text: Romans 8:28b-29 | Preacher: James Allan | Series: Romans | The Christian life is an exciting life because the Christian has been called according to God's purpose. If…