Jesus' prayer here matches the structure of the high priest's prayer before the Day of Atonement. He asks for the Father to glorify the Son. There is a glory of…
Nebuchadnezzar is proud of his empire but the axe is laid to the root of the tree. What's been decreed comes to pass and he lives like an animal. To…
Here is a picture of the nation of Israel in ruin, decimated by Assyria. Ultimately it's the Lord's doing, disciplining His people. In the midst of awful circumstances, this Psalm…
Israel needed to stop looking out at everyone else and start looking within. We need to do the same. Are we judgemental of others and forgiving of ourselves? Here was…
We see the folly of Israel putting their faith in a man as they are defeated and Saul dies at the hand of the Philistines. We put our confidence in…
This parable tells us what God is like. The father stands waiting day after day, longing to see his son return, and runs to him in eager, not reluctant, mercy.…
Jesus tells these parables about shepherds and women. The Pharisees look down on these people but God looks out for them like a lost sheep to a shepherd or a…
Paul reminds the Romans with all their differences that they are the Lord's. What does this mean? The believer belongs to the Lord, by God's choice, by gift from Father…
Goliath is struck with one stone and falls to the ground. Salvation comes quickly for those who trust in the Lord, and does not rely on what we bring. Goliath…
It is a blessing to understand the significance of the tearing of the curtain in the temple. The curtain blocked access to God. Jesus' death was Him taking our sin…