We see the folly of Israel putting their faith in a man as they are defeated and Saul dies at the hand of the Philistines. We put our confidence in…
Whatever happens to us, can we say with the hymn writer that because Jesus lives, we can face tomorrow? Paul gives us the facts of the resurrection. We are all…
The Philistine lords insist David is sent back and he feigns disappointment, or perhaps he really wanted to go to battle and turn on them. Either way, God is gracious…
Troubles are real, and common to all people, and there is additional persecution for believers, but we have the hope of the gospel. Whatever is happening to us is for…
There is hope in dark days. Zechariah and Elizabeth are described as righteous but had no child. Bad things can happen to God's people. They were also quiet days as…
God tells John to "come up here". We can get weary and despondent and need reminding how things look from God's perspective. This should be the impetus for evangelism. Our…
God is sovereign but human beings make willful decisions and are responsible for what they do. Judas' betrayal of Jesus was decreed so did He have a choice? He is…
Bible Text: Isaiah 12:1-3 | Preacher: James Allan | Series: The Book of Immanuel | God's people sing about how the Messiah saved them from His wrath. His anger has…
Bible Text: Isaiah 11:2a | Preacher: James Allan | Series: The Book of Immanuel | The shoot from the stump of Jesse does not mark a return to the way…
Bible Text: Acts 14 | Preacher: Alun Johnson | Paul and Barnabas show us how to deal with persecution. They spoke boldly, having confidence in God, and were realistic about…