Christ promises to hold His people firmly, secure to the end. He is the Good Shepherd and makes clear who His sheep are: they have saving faith, listen to His…
Daniel wants to know more about the end of the times but he's not going to be told any more. The words will make sense to the people at the…
During the time of tribulation there will be encouragement for the Lord's people; we encourage and exhort each other. Daniel is told to seal the book until the time of…
We enjoy conversation and laughter but there is a right sobriety about the Christian life. The people of God in all ages are a suffering people. They would suffer under…
Nebuchadnezzar's plan to hold his empire together is to make these young men thoroughly Babylonian, stripping them of their Hebrew identity as people of God. The world bombards us with…
Here is a doxology: praise from man to God in response to His blessings. Paul praises God as the One able to strengthen; He sustains His people to the end.…
The early church was learning to cope in a messy world. Paul was trying to convince people in order to convert them. Like Paul, the church needs to be in…
We can find stability even in this world when things we perceive as stable are shattered. God can be our refuge and strength; a place we can run to for…
Bold like a lion, Peter says he will lay down his life for Jesus, yet fails when questioned by a servant girl. We don't know how we may fall when…
Jesus feels Judas' betrayal deeply. He retains His humanity and feels our pain. He warned the disciples this betrayal would happen so that their faith would not be shaken. We…