These were difficult times; the annihilation of the people of God had been decreed. It is legitimate to weep and mourn in times of distress, but we do not sorrow…
This Psalm was written on a great occasion - perhaps the return of the Israelites from exile - that only God could have brought about. He does powerful things for…
We must speak the whole counsel of God. If there really is a wrath to come then it is the kindest thing to warn people about it like John did.…
Bible Text: Psalm 31 | Preacher: David Cox | Series: Christmas 2021 | This Psalm helps us prepare for the unknown year ahead. David is overwhelmed by his enemies. The…
Bible Text: Revelation 5 | Preacher: Jeremy Bailey | Series: Christmas 2018 | New Year's Day service message. We have concerns about the world situation, the church situation, family health, etc. John…
Bible Text: 1 John 2:28-3:9 | Preacher: Steve Darby | Series: Christmas 2018 | What are our hopes for the coming year? If we want hope we need Christ. The…
Bible Text: 1 John 4 | Preacher: David Harding | Series: Christmas 2017 | There are many uncertainties in the year ahead and many are fearful. Fear and love are…