The second half of the Psalm commands the whole world to join in with Israel's new song and to praise Israel's king because He is the One who will make…
Joab puts the peace of Israel in jeopardy by murdering Abner because of his need for revenge. David is a type of Christ and pursues peace. We need to leave…
Nebuchadnezzar had made a remarkable decree but hadn't repented. God is gracious in continuing to call, and sends him a disturbing dream. When we are troubled, the Christian has assurance…
God had given Israel much time to repent but judgement finally had to come. Britain has been given greater truths - saturated with the gospel - and is ripe for…
Here is a picture of the nation of Israel in ruin, decimated by Assyria. Ultimately it's the Lord's doing, disciplining His people. In the midst of awful circumstances, this Psalm…
Israel needed to stop looking out at everyone else and start looking within. We need to do the same. Are we judgemental of others and forgiving of ourselves? Here was…
Having prophesied judgement against Judah and Jerusalem, Zephaniah turns to the surrounding nations who taunted and exalted themselves against God. They would become grazing land for Judah after the restoration…
Idol worshipers will have their name cut off. Baal was worshipped for increased productivity and this religion is alive and well today. People still want possessions and success but it…
Zephaniah prophesied when the storm clouds of God's wrath were gathering. Nebuchadnezzar was used by God to bring judgement around 50 years later but the prophecy also foreshadows a greater…
Here is a senseless mutiny by an ungodly coalition set against God but God uses wicked men to accomplish His purposes, as with the death of Jesus. It is senseless…