On the cross, Jesus is mocked by all of society, rejected as prophet, priest and king, thus fulfilling prophecy. The evidence they ask for of His being the Messiah is…
Mark doesn't go into the details of the physical agony of the crucifixion but does mention the humiliation of Jesus' clothes being divided by the soldiers, and His dying naked.…
Simon is compelled to carry the cross for Jesus. This was an encounter that was from his perspective unplanned and unexpected but that changed everything. Christians have different stories and…
Paul has been writing about salvation and responds with worship and adoration. There is something wrong if we hear what has been done for sinners and are not moved. There…
The Jews present Jesus to Pilate as rebelling against Rome. He is condemned to death even though Pilate declares Him innocent and Barabbas is released as if he were innocent.…
This kangaroo court had no evidence against Jesus but wanted to be seen to be doing the right thing. Jesus is accused but says nothing because this is what He…
Paul says the Jews can be grafted back in to the olive tree. This is a picture of God's grace. There is yet hope for those who are dead in…
The arresting party comes with swords and clubs because they fear Jesus. People fear that there is an authority they are accountable to. There is often a violent response to…
Even the best kings of Israel failed. What king could speak this command for the nations to praise the Lord? Christ appeared defeated but sang this Psalm before going to…
This Psalm is more personal than the previous ones Jesus would have sung at the Passover. The Psalmist was delivered from the fear of death by calling on God who…