In the midst of the disciples' confusion, Jesus gives them encouragement. They have a certain way to heaven. There is so much ignorance of Christianity but it is the answer…
Everybody wants true friends. Jesus was accused in a derogatory way of being a friend of sinners, but He is indeed a Saviour of sinners. The path back to God…
These are Paul's last words to Timothy as He was being poured out like a drink offering. The church needs more of this willingness to pour out our lives in…
Jesus will be leaving the disciples soon and tells them they know the way to follow Him; there is no other way to God except through Him. Many do not…
The Christian life is like a race - a marathon, not a sprint - that starts at Calvary. We must repent and believe the gospel. It's a family race; the…
In the conversion of Saul we see a revelation of Jesus Christ as the way, the truth and the life. We see transformation as Saul has faith in Christ, enters…
Jesus washes the disciples' feet; a task that would normally have been performed by a servant or slave. He will one day judge the earth yet here serves others. The…
We see the folly of Israel putting their faith in a man as they are defeated and Saul dies at the hand of the Philistines. We put our confidence in…
The older brother refuses to go in and celebrate but his father is persistent in entreating him. We give thanks for God's persistence with us. He is the saviour of…
Christ was alone on the road to Calvary, and also facing the hatred of the crowd. We see the Father's love for Him in the provision of Simon to carry…