How much time do we spend each day thinking about heaven? The more we do, the more useful we will be as God's servants. Paul pictures the Christian as an…
Jesus tells the Father that He had given the disciples the message He gave Him. They would suffer but they were privileged to receive words from the Father, and these…
The truth has come into the world. Jesus is the true light; the true revelation of salvation to mankind. The world is in darkness, and the light exposes us. No…
The second half of the Psalm commands the whole world to join in with Israel's new song and to praise Israel's king because He is the One who will make…
The Father gave the Son work to do in eternity past, and now that the work is done, the Son has joy. It was decided before time that He would…
Jesus' prayer here matches the structure of the high priest's prayer before the Day of Atonement. He asks for the Father to glorify the Son. There is a glory of…
Nathanael had written Jesus off as just a man. We should not let our preconceived ideas of Jesus stop us from inquiring about who He is, even as Christians. He…
Jesus Christ both opens and shuts doors. He opens the door to God - the only true way - but there will come a day when He shuts because it…
Ananias was told that Paul was God's instrument to preach to the gentiles and kings, and here he is before King Agrippa. We should take opportunities to speak for Jesus.…
Enoch lived, having a fallen human nature, and would have expected to die. He was not superhuman but something supernatural happened to him, and he did not die. The difference…