This verse is a description, not a command; the person who loves Jesus Christ will keep His commands. When the world watches us, do they see someone who loves Christ?…
Our salvation is not yet complete. It will be complete when we see the Lord. Paul is looking forward to the Lord's return. We don't know when but it's the…
There is something positive and awesome about Jesus' last cry that leads the centurion to conclude He was the Son of God. It was a cry of accomplishment and completion:…
Bible Text: Mark 9:14-29 | Preacher: James Allan | Series: Mark | We see Jesus' compassion in His willingness to help this boy. He is interested in us and the…
Bible Text: Romans 8:29 | Preacher: James Allan | Series: Romans | The Christian is given a wonderful assurance that all things work together for good. God's purpose for every…
Bible Text: Romans 8:16 | Preacher: James Allan | Series: Romans | The Holy Spirit doesn't just confer sonship on the Christian but makes them aware of it. He works…
Bible Text: Psalm 110 | Preacher: Walter Waygood | The greatest privilege is to see the glory of God, to have the gospel preached. God rules from heaven; He is…