The Shepherd in David’s Experience, Extremity and Eternity
Bible Text: Psalm 23 | Preacher: Tim Wells | Psalm 23 is an unpacking of the opening statement that “the Lord is my shepherd”. We see the Shepherd in David’s day to day experience as He leads to green pastures and provides suitable water. Life is hectic but He makes us lie down. We see the Shepherd in David’s extremity in the two paths we are reluctant to go down: the valley of the shadow of death and the presence of enemies. We don’t know what lies ahead but we know who is leading us. Finally, we see the Shepherd in David’s eternity. The end of the journey is to arrive in the house of the Lord and to be satisfied when we awake in His likeness. Do we share David’s confidence that Jehovah will see us through?
Death, Eternity, Perseverance, Providence