The Psalmist asks if God will be angry with them for ever. He is confident God will restore them. We see in this Psalm Christ's imputed righteousness and the propitiation…
The people have returned to the land of Israel from exile in Babylon. They had re-laid the foundations of the temple but the work had ground to a halt and…
Whenever we find this phrase "new song" in the Bible, it is when God is doing something new. The occasion was the ark of the covenant being brought to Jerusalem…
This Psalm was sung as people walked up to Jerusalem as it reminded them of God's promise that David's son would be on the throne. There would be a wonderful…
The Psalmist compares Israel to an innocent dove devoured by wild beasts. Jerusalem is in ruins. He asks why God has His hands in His pockets! Even in the midst…
This Psalm was written in a situation of difficulty. It begins with praise and ends with complaint. The Psalmist encourages himself by recalling the promises to David. There is discipline,…
Here is a picture of the nation of Israel in ruin, decimated by Assyria. Ultimately it's the Lord's doing, disciplining His people. In the midst of awful circumstances, this Psalm…