The second half of the Psalm commands the whole world to join in with Israel's new song and to praise Israel's king because He is the One who will make…
This Psalm was written on a great occasion - perhaps the return of the Israelites from exile - that only God could have brought about. He does powerful things for…
The council of Chalcedon in 451 dealt with the errors of Eutyches who taught that Christ only had one nature; his humanity swallowed up in the immensity of the divine.…
Jesus Christ has two distinct natures - both God and man - in one person. The council of Ephesus in 431 refuted the teaching of Nestorius who taught that Jesus…
Jesus is also fully man. All the appearances of the Angel of the Lord in the Bible are appearances of the Son. These appearances build up to the moment Gabriel…
Arius taught that the Father alone is God, and that the Son is His first creation. The Bible does not present Jesus as the first of God's creation but as…
Wrong conclusions are sometimes made about Christ's identity. He is not the Father. Scriptures don't make sense if they are the same person. The Son is generated or begotten by…