When pursued, David goes to Jonathan, where he knows there is covenant love. In times of trouble we can go where there is covenant love. It doesn't matter what we…
The life of Saul shows that resisting the Lord brings about a life of misery, a blurred moral framework, and a desire to see the Lord's people fall. David is…
David is exalted after defeating Goliath. Saul is angry and jealous but Jonathan responded with love. We can give thanks for friends who love the same God. What is our…
Goliath is struck with one stone and falls to the ground. Salvation comes quickly for those who trust in the Lord, and does not rely on what we bring. Goliath…
David is burdened by Goliath's defiance. Does it burden us when God is not glorified and people are defiant? David's confidence comes from the Lord's past deliverances. We need to…
Saul was Israel's champion but was afraid of Goliath. David sees Goliath's challenge as blasphemy; Israel have the living God on their side! Here is Israel's true champion, who points…
God's spirit flees from Saul and a harmful spirit torments him. This is God's judgement upon Saul. There is an extraordinary providence as the rejected king unknowingly sends for the…
Left to himself, Samuel would have chosen one of Jesse's other sons because he was impressed with their appearance, but God is interested in the beauty of the heart. Are…
Saul appeals for mercy and finds none. David commits adultery and murder but pleads for mercy and receives it. If we confess our sin, God is faithful and just to…