The truth has come into the world. Jesus is the true light; the true revelation of salvation to mankind. The world is in darkness, and the light exposes us. No…
Everyone suffers anxiety of some kind at some point. Paul says we need to bring everything to God in prayer. We come to Him with thanksgiving, not for the situation,…
Nathanael had written Jesus off as just a man. We should not let our preconceived ideas of Jesus stop us from inquiring about who He is, even as Christians. He…
Paul has the ultimate answer to the meaning of life and the universe. It's all about Jesus, but if we don't know Him this answer won't make sense. If we…
Sunday Morning service for 2023/07/09 Genesis 3 Preached by Rick MacDonald
We can find stability even in this world when things we perceive as stable are shattered. God can be our refuge and strength; a place we can run to for…
Our hopes and wishes have no certainty but here is a certain hope. If we are in Christ we are forgiven. We should prepare our minds for action and be…