Jesus says the Father gave Him the disciples out of this world. This is a comfort and a challenge to the Christian. We are not to love what the world…
Jesus sat down in heaven after the resurrection but is not inactive; the kingdoms of the world are being brought to Him. David prefigures Christ; he is finally king of…
Israel wanted David to reign over them because he was of their own flesh. Why should we want Jesus to reign over us? He likewise became our flesh; fully man…
Jesus has prayed for Himself and now makes four petitions for His people. He prays for His disciples, although they are about to run away. He delights in them, and…
Jesus looked ordinary but brought glory to the Father, even in the ugliness of the cross. He now asks for a different kind of glory, resuming His former outward glory…
With Abner dead, Ishbosheth is sorrowful that he will no longer be king. Is our biggest sorrow that people don't admire us? Living for our own glory is exhausting but…
The Father gave the Son work to do in eternity past, and now that the work is done, the Son has joy. It was decided before time that He would…
Joab puts the peace of Israel in jeopardy by murdering Abner because of his need for revenge. David is a type of Christ and pursues peace. We need to leave…
Eternal life is defined not in quantity but the real essence is its quality. It is to know God. We think of it as beginning at death, but it begins…
Faced with Ishbosheth's accusation, Abner reaches out to David, but with the wrong motive. We must search our hearts and check our motives. David's response is a shrewd political move.…