These were difficult times; the annihilation of the people of God had been decreed. It is legitimate to weep and mourn in times of distress, but we do not sorrow…
The early church was learning to cope in a messy world. Paul was trying to convince people in order to convert them. Like Paul, the church needs to be in…
In the midst of the disciples' confusion, Jesus gives them encouragement. They have a certain way to heaven. There is so much ignorance of Christianity but it is the answer…
Here is a senseless mutiny by an ungodly coalition set against God but God uses wicked men to accomplish His purposes, as with the death of Jesus. It is senseless…
The Psalmist divides mankind into two camps: the righteous and the wicked. The righteous are blessed but not according to this world's version of happiness; it is by avoiding ungodliness…
Life is hard but here is the Shepherd who cares for the individual so that David could say he has everything he could possibly need. God is with him every…
Bible Text: Acts 17:17-34 | Preacher: Alun Johnson | Paul had a remarkable ability to communicate with both the religious folk and the passers by. Do we make the most…
Bible Text: Acts 17:16 | Preacher: Alun Johnson | For all their learning, the people of Athens were ignorant of God. Our society is the same. We are created to…
Bible Text: Acts 16:16-40 | Preacher: Alun Johnson | This girl's declaration wasn't free publicity for Paul and Silas. It would have associated their message with the occult. There is…
Bible Text: Acts 16:1-15 | Preacher: Alun Johnson | Paul and his companions had wandered 300 miles, seemingly for nothing. Doors were being closed. However, God was working and was…