Bible Text: Genesis 3:4-5 | Preacher: James Allan | Series: Genesis | The way Satan operated in the garden is the same as the way he operates now. Two more of…
Bible Text: Luke 13:1-9 | Preacher: James Allan | People ask how they can believe in a God who allows suffering. Just because we can't understand things, it doesn't mean…
Bible Text: Genesis 3:1-3 | Preacher: James Allan | Series: Genesis | Chapter 3 is the bridge from chapter 2 to the world we recognise. The change begins with the…
Bible Text: James 2:20-26 | Preacher: James Allan | Series: James | For those punishing themselves in religious service we might prescribe a good dose of the Apostle Paul. Salvation…
Bible Text: Daniel 3 | Preacher: David Jones | How would we feel if given an ultimatum like Daniel? Daniel and his companions resist the temptations and refuse to bow…
Bible Text: Psalm 110 | Preacher: Walter Waygood | The greatest privilege is to see the glory of God, to have the gospel preached. God rules from heaven; He is…
Bible Text: James 2:14-19 | Preacher: James Allan | Series: James | Real faith will show itself. We will be doers, not just hearers. There must be a show of…
Bible Text: Genesis 3:1 | Preacher: James Allan | Series: Genesis | Everything in the garden was perfect but by the time we get to chapter four the world is…
Bible Text: Genesis 2:18-25 | Preacher: James Allan | Series: Genesis | Christ gave Himself up for the church. Marriage is about service. Our love must be the same as…
Bible Text: Genesis 2:18-25 | Preacher: James Allan | Series: Genesis | Marriage is a picture of Christ and His love for the church. It is a theme developed throughout…