Things had been going well in Israel but trouble comes in the form of the Philistines now David is king. Likewise, the devil seeks to wreak havoc against the church…
Jesus tells the Father that He had given the disciples the message He gave Him. They would suffer but they were privileged to receive words from the Father, and these…
David's being established as king brings about the transformation of Jerusalem in the building of his palace, using the finest materials. Christ is perfecting His church and making us beautiful.…
Jesus describes His disciples as those who have kept the word of the Father; the word is precious to them. It can be hard, but we can't do without it.…
The truth has come into the world. Jesus is the true light; the true revelation of salvation to mankind. The world is in darkness, and the light exposes us. No…
Everyone suffers anxiety of some kind at some point. Paul says we need to bring everything to God in prayer. We come to Him with thanksgiving, not for the situation,…
These were difficult times; the annihilation of the people of God had been decreed. It is legitimate to weep and mourn in times of distress, but we do not sorrow…
The second half of the Psalm commands the whole world to join in with Israel's new song and to praise Israel's king because He is the One who will make…
This Psalm was written on a great occasion - perhaps the return of the Israelites from exile - that only God could have brought about. He does powerful things for…
The council of Chalcedon in 451 dealt with the errors of Eutyches who taught that Christ only had one nature; his humanity swallowed up in the immensity of the divine.…