I Myself Will be the Shepherd of My Sheep
January 27, 2019

I Myself Will be the Shepherd of My Sheep

Passage: Mark 6:30-44
Service Type:

Bible Text: Mark 6:30-44 | Preacher: James Allan | Series: Mark | Jesus has compassion like no other. We see His care for the tired disciples, calling them away to rest. He has compassion on the crowd as they are like sheep without a shepherd. Ezekiel 34 describes the shepherds of Israel who had not been good shepherds and so the sheep were scattered. God pronounces judgement on them and He Himself will be the shepherd. He will never allow any of His sheep to be harmed. He is not unapproachable. God is holy and pure and cannot tolerate sin but in His grace and mercy He planned in eternity for His Son to come and die for the purpose that we might be able to go to Him.