Hitherto Hath the Lord Helped Us
Bible Text: 1 Samuel 7:3-17 | Preacher: James Allan | Series: 1 Samuel | Israel lamented; a real sorrow for sin. Do we feel deeply our guilt or are we casual about sin? Lamenting must be accompanied by repentance. Samuel exercises his right as a priest and we too have One we can go to; Christ speaks to God for us. A sacrifice has been made. God shouts and the Philistines flee. God is with His people. Samuel sets up the memorial stone of Ebenezer. The Lord was even with them when they foolishly carried the ark into battle. They had encamped at Ebenezer. Even there the Lord was with them. The Lord’s table reminds us that He has always been with us and always will be. If He has given His Son, how can we doubt that He will always be with us?