Epaphroditus our example
April 26, 2020

Epaphroditus our example

Passage: Philippians 2:23-30
Service Type:

Bible Text: Philippians 2:23-30 | Preacher: James Allan | Series: Philippians | Paul wants the Philippians to recognise Epaphroditus’ service. He calls Epaphroditus his brother; one who bears the family likeliness of Christ. Are we seen to be like Christ in our service of others? He also calls him a fellow worker. Christians are called to labour in the gospel. He calls him a soldier. The Christian is always in a battle and the secret is to look to Christ.

NOTE: This sermon was part of a pre-recorded video service for the church to watch at home due to the coronavirus outbreak. The original video including recorded Hebron congregational singing can be found here.